Looking for a job?
Take a look what job opportunities our partners are offering.
- 3D Grafik (Czech)SCS Software, Prague
- 3D Grafik - Modelář vozidel (Czech)SCS Software, Prague
- Programátor (Czech)SCS Software, Prague
- Map Designer (Czech)SCS Software, Prague
- Konzultant (Czech)Autodesk Media & Entertainment, Prague
- Digital Marketing SpecialistGeewa, Prague
- DevOps EngineerGeewa, Prague
- Senior Cinematic EditorHangar 13, Brno or Prague
- Technical WriterHangar 13, Brno or Prague
- Senior AnimatorHangar 13, Brno or Prague
In case you would like to be included in the job board as well, please contact us about the possible partnership at partners@gdsession.com.